2020 is set to be an exciting year and the start of an amazing new era. Our team was researching other industry predictions for 2020 and we came across some amazing products including a flying car by the U.S department of defence, A $1,000 computer that will have the processing power of the human brain and the yearly must have, an ultra-thin OLED TV (I don't think TV trends will ever come to an end).
The trend of innovative tech products will continue to get stronger every year and as technology gets stronger, the need for connecting with people will increase. Events are on the rise and with 40% of marketing budgets now being allocated to events, the need to stand out is going to be a necessity. Here are our Top 5 event trends for 2020.
Live Car Wrapping at Centennial Park

Immersive design pop-ups
Immersive experiences at events are becoming more popular every year with sponsors looking to make the most out of an events target market to promote their products and services. Immersive experiences with professional artists, installers, architects and designers will be a popular trend in 2020. Key is to ensure that you understand your target market and take the time to develop an immersive concept that works for the event and your brand.
Tip: Get your team and anyone in the organisation that is passionate about your products and services involved in the brainstorming or concept development session.
Event journey – Design and experience
Mapping out the event journey will be crucial for your events in 2020. From entrance to exit, your delegates and attendees are looking at your choice of venue, lighting, colours (Check out Panetone Colour of the Year 2020), technology, textures and patterns. More importantly how you have delivered the event experience and service in a seamless and memorable experience.
Tip: Walk through the event with your team at the venue and visualise experience while taking notes on what can be developed to further enhance the journey on event day.

Who doesn’t love Japan? The country that has given us Sushi, Manga, Asahi and Toyota will be inspiring us again with the 2020 Olympics to be hosted in Tokyo. If you haven’t been to Japan we recommend you travel and experience the Old and the New, the quirky and the traditional. Some event themes, will include, ‘Sakura Heaven’ (Cherry blossom Festival), Manga Night (Manga character themed party) or ‘Nippon Dinner (Elegant Japanese dinner). Create your events with a Japanese theme in 2020.
Short, sharp and sweet
Presentations are getting shorter and unless your presenter is great storyteller, delegates and attendees prefer it to be short, sharp and sweet.
Short – No more than 30mins
Sharp – To the point with solid content
Sweet – Charming or funny
Super exciting escape room networking activity with Elude Escape Rooms

A connected experience
The emphasis of networking at events is only getting stronger. Smart and effective icebreakers that give delegates a chance to really get to know the one or two people that they can meet in a room will be imperative to delivering great events. Take a deeper dive into human connection by understanding the type of human behavioural characteristics that you are dealing with at your events. Outline multiple personas of your target market so that you can better service the different types of behaviours at your event.
To find out more about our event trends for 2020 and how we can assist you with your upcoming events, contact info@iconcorpevents.com or call us on 02 9615 9786